Getting a paycheck is the primary reason for working, so if you start noticing that your check seems short, you may want to do some digging. Under federal and state law, a company must pay its employees at least minimum wage or the agreed-upon salary, or else it may...
Month: April 2023
Why do some wronged workers not report retaliation?
Even though you have performed your job appropriately, your employer has treated you unfairly. Whether your unfair treatment involves different job duties, lower pay, verbal abuse or even the loss of your job, it is normal to feel jilted and angry. According to the...
Tips for potential whistleblowers
Very strict laws govern whistleblower claims and protections. Choosing to blow the whistle is a difficult, time-sensitive decision. No matter what decision you make, you will face consequences. Therefore, these are tips you may consider if you decide to become a...
Tech corporate culture and gender discrimination
The tech industry has come to Austin and the Texas Triangle in general. With it, it brought an often-discriminatory corporate culture. The targets of this institutional discrimination are still working to make these companies more equitable for everybody. However, if...