Employees on medical leave can face uncertainty about their job security. This is especially true if they're terminated during their recovery. Knowing the legal protections in place can help employees make sense of this difficult situation. Family and Medical Leave...
employment law
Can your employer alter your contract without notification?
In Texas, employment contracts are essential in defining the terms and conditions of the employment relationship. You may wonder if your employment contract is changeable without notification. Understanding employment contracts Employment contracts explain the...
The role of at-will employment in a wrongful termination claim
Wrongful termination can be confusing, especially in Texas, where at-will employment is the norm. If you believe that your employer wrongfully terminated you, it is important to understand how at-will employment comes into play. What is at-will employment? At-will...
Can you go too far in stopping a coworker’s advances?
Dealing with unwanted attention from a coworker is an awkward situation that requires delicate handling. While you must confront such behavior promptly and effectively, there is a fine line between taking reasonable action and going too far. Avoiding crossing that...
Subtle behaviors that may actually be employer retaliation
Filing a workplace discrimination claim takes courage, but it can also lead to fears of retaliation from your employer. Retaliation, unfortunately, can come in various forms, some of which may be subtle and hard to recognize. For the sake of protecting your own...
Pregnant workers and wrongful termination
Pregnancy is a joyous and transformative time in a woman's life. Unfortunately, some employers choose to terminate pregnant employees unlawfully. Wrongful termination during pregnancy not only violates the rights of women but also has far-reaching implications for...
4 common ways employers violate FMLA rules
In the realm of employment, the Family and Medical Leave Act serves as an important safeguard for workers facing health challenges or family-related issues. This federal law allows eligible employees to take unpaid leave while protecting their job security. However,...
What rights does the ADA provide?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 41.1 million people in the country had a disability as of 2019. The Americans with Disabilities Act stands as a cornerstone for ensuring equal opportunities and access. It prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities...
5 FAQ about reasonable accommodations
Workplace accommodations are adjustments or modifications made to the work environment or job duties that enable employees with disabilities to perform their jobs effectively. Understanding the concept of reasonable accommodations in the workplace is important for...
4 signs you may have a whistleblower case
Uncovering wrongdoing within your workplace can be a challenging experience, but it is important to recognize when your moral compass points you toward blowing the whistle on your employer. Several signs can indicate that you may have a legitimate whistleblower case....