Noncompetes And Employment Agreements

As a firm that is dedicated to all aspects of employees’ rights, the Law Offices of Kell A. Simon is a trusted resource for employment agreement services. With more than 20 years of legal experience in employment law, I am qualified to handle complex contractual issues.

Employment Agreement Services

My practice encompasses all types of employment-related contractual matters, including:

  • Severance agreements: These agreements can prevent you from pursuing legal action and limit other relief you can receive, so they should be thoroughly analyzed before you sign away your rights.
  • Noncompete agreements: Texas laws regarding noncompete agreements are extremely employer-friendly, so you need to fully understand these agreements or you may limit your ability to change jobs in the future.
  • Confidentiality agreements: Protect yourself by understanding exactly what information you may or may not share with others.

My capabilities regarding these and other types of agreements are not limited to presigning reviews. I also negotiate agreements on behalf of my clients, especially in situations involving executive compensation contracts. I will represent clients in certain types of litigation if a trial is necessary to secure your rights. Choose a lawyer who knows how to achieve the results you need.

Protect Your Rights Today

Call my firm at 512-898-9019, or contact me online to schedule a free case review. I will carefully analyze your situation and provide you with the information you need to make well-informed decisions about how you wish to proceed.

I have offices in Austin, Houston and Dallas.