Retaliation at work can impact your personal and professional life. This mistreatment could stem from a number of things including whistleblowing or discrimination from your employer.
Knowing the consequences of suffering retaliation at work may give you the incentive to report your concerns right away. Ignoring the issue may only exacerbate your problems and threaten your career.
Lost productivity
Trying to stay focused on your job responsibilities when you are on the receiving end of retaliation can be an impossible task. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, mistreatment can come from a number of people including your supervisor and various administrators. Retaliation can come in the form of threats, demotion, harassment, dishonest performance reviews, exclusion, suspension and lower pay.
Mistreatment of any kind may leave you reeling and trying to understand what went wrong. You may fear the judgment of your peers, lack the resources to do your work and question your own understanding of the situation. Each of these consequences can impact your work and prevent you from completing your job effectively and efficiently.
Lower morale
As your morale plummets, you may lose your desire to go to work. You may need to take time away and you may notice that your professional relationships suffer. If you choose to go after a new job, your low morale from the retaliation you have experienced may impact your confidence during interviews. In serious cases, retaliation can jeopardize your career and damage your reputation.
Dealing with workplace retaliation often requires know-how and the right resources. Hiring an attorney to advocate for your rights may enable you to focus your energy on protecting your job. By law, you have the right to engage in protected actions. If your employer retaliates, they could face serious legal consequences.