Women in Texas who work for companies that perpetrate discrimination against them suffer a number of negative effects.
A study published in Frontiers in Psychology indicates that gender inequality can be complex and pervasive, and that it often begins in the human resources department. The gender inequalities that inform the practices and processes of HR also affect the organization’s climate, as well as the following:
- Organizational structure
- Leadership
- Business strategies
- Organizational culture
How does workplace discrimination affect women’s experiences on the job? A lack of opportunities to advance and the gender wage gap are two primary negative effects that have consistently been documented in research for decades. These two effects typically result in women having lower job satisfaction and feeling less commitment to their companies, which may also affect their performance.
Discrimination based on sex also frequently leads to harassment, sexist comments and stigmatization. When women perceive stigmatization as self-relevant and harmful, they are more likely to suffer from both physical and psychological stress. When stress levels are high, women often experience physical effects such as ulcers, high blood pressure, depression and anxiety. Stress often affects their mental health, as well.
The American Psychiatric Association’s Center for Workplace Mental Health reports one comprehensive study that indicates women who earn less than their male counterparts are nearly twice as likely to experience depression as men are, and two-and-a-half times more likely to experience anxiety. Rates of depression and anxiety are roughly the same among women and men whose earnings are equivalent or similar.