What constitutes discrimination in a Texas workplace?
There are a number of ways that a Texas employer could discriminate against an employee. Both state and federal laws prohibit discrimination against individuals based on certain classifications. For example, an employer may not discriminate against someone based on race or sex. In Texas in fiscal year 2016, the largest number of charges filed with the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission – 3,244 – were based on race.
Here, we take a look at what the laws are as well as what you should do if you felt like you have been the victim of workplace discrimination.
Types of discrimination
The Texas Workforce Commission outlines several factors upon which employers may not discriminate. Those include the following:
· Race, color or national origin
· Age
· Sex
· Disability
· Religion
Harassment and retaliation may also play a role in discrimination. For example, if a worker files a complaint regarding harassment, an employer may not discriminate against him or her based on that complaint.
Illegal behaviors
Discrimination could take place at various stages of employment. It occurs when someone is treated unfavorably based on any of the above-mentioned factors. A very basic example of this would be if an employer chooses not to hire someone based on his or her age or sex, or terminates an employee because of his race.
Yet discrimination extends beyond the hiring and firing process. For example, it is illegal to deny certain benefits or compensation to employees based on the factors outlined in state and federal laws. Also, consider two employees who are equally qualified to do a job. However, an employer pays one more money based solely on his or her race or religion. That would constitute discrimination.
It is also illegal to deny the use of certain facilities to employees based on these factors. Employers are not permitted to recruit potential employees based solely these traits, either.
Filing a complaint
When discrimination takes place, it is important to act quickly. and to understand how to navigate the complaint process. Anyone who has concerns about this topic should speak with an employment law attorney in Texas.